FAMILY REUNION 2010 - Glenwood, AB
This was our old home in Glenwood. I love me family.
May 2010
When we first moved to Lethbridge we were both called into the nursery. It was a lot of fun to play with the children for 2 hours. Jason also loved it and would take off his shoes and shirt tie right away. Everyone in the church should have a chance to be in nursery.
That didn't last long though.... a couple months later we both were called into the Bishops office on Tuesday night. We both thought that the other person was getting a new calling. The Bishop talked to us for bit and then extended a calling to me. Young Womens President! WHAT?! My first thought was , "YES" but then a rush of responsibility and fear came over me. I didn't even know anyone in the ward yet, since we were put in nursery right away. I was in shock and was wondering if I actually heard the Bishop correctly. I started crying and was very humbled by the calling. There was a lot of prayers that next week to try to choose counselors and advisors. I am LOVING YW's now and work with such great leaders and the YW are awesome.
Then that following week Jason also got called back into the Bishops office and got called to be the Ward Clerk. Jason loves working with the Bishopric and being evolved in the ward. We also were asked to speak in church that next Sunday. I called up my parents that Saturday and told them we were speaking in church and they said they wanted to come. I had not told them of our new callings and so when they announced it over the pulpit they were quiet surprised. Troy and Andrea and their kids also came. It was fun to have them there and then they all came over for dinner after and Ryan came as well. I feel very blessed to have such great parents and siblings.
Here is a picture that was taken the day I was set apart as Young Womens President
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